Monday, September 20, 2010


Folks, I have a lot on my mind and much to share. First, I wanted to talk about how great my Friday/Saturday was and opposingly, how my Sunday sucked, but I’m distracting by the need to share something else: a dozen things I find annoying or downright deplorable.

So without further adieu, my list.

15. holding in farts
14. people with a cart full of groceries at the 10 items or less express line
13. computer error messages
12. pumping gas
11. braggarts and/or constantly confused people
10. needing to go to work every week day (that 99 weeks of unemployment doesn’t sound that bad right now)
9. knowing that I have a ton of work to do but avoiding it (aka procrastination)
8. not getting a seat on the train
7. shredding papers
6. my mobile phone and/or iPod battery out-charging when I need it most
5. the slimy look and taste of okra
4. people touching my clean clothes with their dirty hands at the Laundromat (who cares if I didn’t take the clothes out the dryer ten seconds after they were done!?!?!?)
3. very laborious housework (i.e. cleaning the toilet tank, painting)
2. my dry cleaning expenses
1. taking a poop at work (besides the fact that almost twenty women at my workplace have to share one bathroom key and the toilet paper feels like burlap on my bottom, it’s just gross. I don’t even have any reading material like I do in my own house so it really is a trip of waste, but at least I had time to think of this blog post!)

What’s on your list? Share here.

Lata Lovelies,
-Betsy “Baller” Ice


Deshair said...

Definitely #5... my mother married a Liberian guy when I was in Elementary school. It was rice, okra and chicken every damn day... Okra looked like snot to me. I didn't eat much at that time. My spine used to show back then. My teachers thought I was poor and would give me money, food and pay for my class trips.

Anonymous said...

#9 for me, it gets me every time. It's even worst when it's something I hate doing, but have to do.


BETSY ICE said...

@ Deshair Foskey--that's crazy and hysterical. Thank you for my LOL moment of the day